Remembering Old Drive-In Restaurants

A&W in Orlando, Fl in the early sixties. It was the cruise to, and cruise thru, spot on weekends. Car hops on skates and a large back row where you could park and bench race while you nursed a nickel root beer. You could watch hotrods and customs all night.

The Sonic drive-ins near here used to alternate sponsoring cruise nights on Saturday, but Asian cube-cars with their ill-mannered owners, flashing neon, and thumping sound systems drove away the old car owners who supported the cruises. Now the Sonics are mostly empty on weekends after Grandpa and Grandma take the grand kids home.

Yes it is a sad state of affairs these days. We have found that it is necessary to really out number the Tuners and they eventually do get the message and find their own turf. You should also approach a Sonic owner that still wants to sponsor a cruise night, review the problems that are being detrimental to his business and have your club or group run a gate including a cut-off year, with preferred parking for entrance. We do pre '90 domestic which in itself doesn't make me happy but I'm gettin' old and need to accept the times (within reason). :evil3: