"Dizzy", "Chally" and smart phones BS

Using words like these and then "smart" phone posts on top of that makes FABO look and feel like instructions written by non English speaking Chinese.
Do some of you guys type stuff and not notice how jacked up your sentences and words are, or notice and post it anyway?
Either way, it looks and reads like ****.
Would you buy a classic American made car and when you wash it leave big shitty looking streaks?
That is exactly what letting sentences get trashed by a phone does to your posts.
Y'all talk and act like American made is the only way to go, but allow your posts to look and feel like Chinese garbage that we see for sale on Ebay.
Rant not over.:violent1:

Oh HELL yeah! I get tired of reading ignorant **** then getting called a grammar Nazi for pointing it out. When we let stupid and ignorant stuff slide, it makes all car guys look like toothless morons. There has to be standards. I understand our overseas members having a little trouble or even a new immigrant that uses English as a second language. I do give those people more consideration.