'70 Duster Revival: Drag Racing Heart | Pro Touring Soul

Quick work by Marv allowed us to have the exhaust completed on Wednesday afternoon. Thanks to a late night alignment at a buddy’s shop on Thursday, we were finally road worthy! (Just 1 day before the wedding)

That night was the first time I was really able to get a feel for the car on some back country roads. It was every bit of wonderful! The sound, the smell, the throttle response – my face hurt from smiling so much. (A feeling I’d get to enjoy again Saturday) As with most new builds, there is always some tweaking to do but the car ran great.

Finally, May 30th, 2015 had arrived. It was wedding day and we had met our deadline! An early morning quick detail made sure the Duster was ready for her public debut. (We had some time to spare while the bridesmaids did hair and makeup)

The first picture is Chuck and I arriving at the church. It was an absolutely gorgeous day (65 degrees and sunny.) We did the wedding photography and then at 3PM it was time for the ceremony.

Utterly stunning doesn’t even begin to describe how beautiful my wife looked that day. Seeing her walk down that isle in that flowing white dress with that beaming, bright smile and those striking brown eyes is an image I will always cherish.

We said our “I do’s” and then ran out to the car. Everyone poured out of the church to watch us drive away. In all the excitement I ran to the driver’s side completely forgetting to open the door for my new bride. (The crowd provided some pretty good heckling as I ran back to the other side.) Fingers crossed it would turn over – our guests also held their breath hoping it would start. With a turn of the key and a loud roar out the back we were home free! The crowd clapped as we slowly drove away from the entrance and into the main area of the parking lot. Then we slowed...

With a pump of the brake and punch of the throttle we were able to leave a nice new set of stripes for the church. (A friend of the family counted 300+ feet!)

This was by far the best day of my life and there are so many people to thank for making it all possible. Most notably my wife, for saying yes and for encouraging me to see this project through. Our happy ever after truly began as we left in a cloud of a smoke.

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