FiTech EFI system

Johnny, whats the story on the new lower power/cost unit? Is that happening, if so what's the difference?

You are talking about the "go-street",which just has the fuel control and no timing, with a 400hp limit. I haven heard a definitive delivery date, and I usually talk with them (fitech) every few days. Retail is $795

Personally the opportunity to eliminate the mopar ignition, using the current offerings, is probably worth the money granted the compact design....and the factory flaws of the mopar factory ignition.....but thats another thread and another argument altogether :)

Both the meanstreet, and the go-street are avail to order on our website. the meanstreet is closer to arrival than the go-street, last i heard. If you're in market for either new one, I'd get one on order so you are awaiting the first incoming shipment, it's winter after all, but thats just me! let me know if i can help further.