Flywheel Question

AJ, whew. How does one reply lol. Thanks for your response. I've had a couple people who come in and say "no way I'd run that transmission it's stupid". And that's it. No facts no supporting info. So thanks for so much information. After all that it would be pretty foolish to continue with my AX. The good news is I don't have much money in it yet and I haven't cut into the car yet. So thats good news. So let me ask a few questions if I may.

1)Would the 833OD be an improvement?
2)would a regular 833 be ok with 3.23 gears?
3)Is there such thing as a "truck 4 speed" in 68?
4)would afore mentioned truck trans be viable?

So just for info sake, my 340 has a mighty demon 750 on top of an M1 intake mani. It's running a 508 lift cam. It's got J heads with 202 valves.

No, your engine is way past the Mopar o/d ratios
No your engine is way past 3.23s
Most A833s are 1/2ton pick-up compatible. IE they have no granny gears.
With that cam you will need a heavy flywheel, on the street, to get off the line from every stinking stop.

Checkout this thread
2.66 low gear vs close ratio (Multi-page thread 1 2)

I ran that 292/508cam, in my 367cuber.
- Opinion #1; Way too big for street and 4speed. Way too little torque down low.Needs at least 11 to 12.5 to one starter gear. So with a 2.66low unit it would need 4.10s for easy drive away.With the 3.09 low subbed in, would need 3.73s or 3.91s. This is an opinion.
I ran it with 3.55s,3.91s and 4.30s. I ran it with the 2.47 box and the 2.66 box.I moved the cam timing this way and that. I yanked it out and sold it. It pulled really hard from around 6000 to 7000.It was really soft off idle until I got the 12plus/1 starter gear into it.
- Opinion 2;That cam really wants a 4+1 tranny with the ratios really closely spaced.Except maybe the 1-2.
I replaced it with a 270/.538 Hughes cam. Whole new personality.Ran any rear gear;pick one.Mountains of torque right from idle, and still pulled to 7000.Mind you not as hard as the 292/508. Could use any tranny, including the Mopar o/d. To get the trap speed back, I put a GV behind it to split gears and keep the engine on the pipe all the way.With the GV behind the 833O/D, I had 7 usable upshift gears.
- After that I installed a Hughes 276/.549. I kinda think this is almost my favorite now.l still run the GV but now behind the 3.09low/direct 4th box, and with 3.55s.The starter gear is 10.97. The O/D is 2.77. I shift it; 1-2-3-3od-4od.The ratios are 3.09-1.92-1.40-1.09-.78 and the splits are .62-.73-.78-.715 Shazzam! This combo could easily pull 3.23s
- That's kinda what you need;kinda what everybody with sbms and large street cams, need. More opinions,from AJ.