AJ's Opinion,

I was kinda hoping for others to jump in with their opinions. like;
I hate cheap toilet paper. A self explanatory opinion.or
kids crayons suck. or
I believe;the end of the age is upon us;I believe you should get your name into the Book of Life,before it's too late.

-Opinions;not debates. Opinions are what we have when what we have learned has gelled into belief.
-Opinions are like colors;Why do we call a ripe tomato;red? How red is it? is the color you call red, the same as the color I call red? Do I call it red cuz my mommy called it red? Who was the first person to ever call it red, and why should I believe that red is red? Well, you might offer that science today has tools to measure colors.... but wait! Somebody, somewhere had to designate a measurement as red or degree of redness.So over the course of time, I have come to believe that ripe tomatos are red. I have formed an opinion.
-So lets get to know each other better.Politics and sports,excepted for now.And Rusty's eating habits excepted, period....
I'll start
-It is my opinion that media today is leading us down a path of misinformation and outright lies.The school system is designed to graduate automatons that have been brain-washed into a standard template of; believe whatever the leader says,don't worry/be happy, everything is the same since our forefathers were living.True history is polluted, hidden and/or destroyed.
-Strong words you say? Hey, it's an opinion; what I have learned has gelled into a belief.And it's not politics or sports.
Your turn;