Canby Swap meet

Last year a couple of the usual suspects - mopar parts for profit (people who buy up parts at swapmeets and Craigslist -and resale them to line there pockets with our hard earned money and keep our hobby financially out of reach for most.
I did see the guy who was selling a dual quad tunnel ram that I wanted from Craigslist. He wanted just a little too much for a used, it was at that point between buying it new or used. When it's so close to being able to buy it new you would like just a little bit better price if its used and he wouldn't come down and be reasonable with it as it has been on Craigslist for over 6 months and now here it was at the camby swapmeet still not selling! I was glad to see I did the right thing by buying a brand new one as his had been re-bead blasted even the machine part that matches up to the heads have been bead blasted. I prefer it to be machined for a good fit.
LOL - Of course I'll be there(Lord willing) - ya never know what you'll find ? ???
Thanks for reminding me !