Selling on Ebay and Paypal

Open, or designate a bank account solely for Paypal, and don't keep any money of value, (more than $20ish) in there. When you decide to maker a purchase, transfer just sufficient funds into the PPal acct.

When you receive a payment into your Paypal, immediately transfer the funds to another account that Paypal has no record of.

Paypal can't take money from an account with no money, and can't take money from a
void credit card.

DO NOT link any credit card to Paypal, if you have, or do, immediately cancel the card.

DO NOT just go to Paypal and remove/delete the C/C number, as it's still on record for hackers, or un-authorized use. Cancel the card.

If Paypal is already linked to your active Bank account, either make that the sole Paypal account and transfer all funds to a NEW "ACTIVE DAILY" account, again, just supplying Paypal with a different/new bank account # still leaves your reg active account number in their system for hackers, or un-authorized use..

Keep Paypal ignorant of where your money truly is, follow these simple guidelines will help you avoid the "PAYPAL RIPPED ME OFF" scenerio

hope it helps