Selling on Ebay and Paypal

I sold a couple cars and several motorcycles to out of state buyers on flea bay.

There is no magic.

List it as is.
Be very descriptive especially with problems.
Lots of good pics especially of the problem areas.
Make shipping their responsibility, but offer to help coordinate.
Make them drop a $500 NR deposit at the end of the listing if they are the winning bidder.
Use paypal for the deposit.
Never go outside of ebay to talk unless your comfortable with talking on the phone.
Basically make it the responsibility of the buyer to look it over and buy it.
If they want to send a cashiers check or money order, make them wait till it clears before you release the car.

Most people who buy cars sight unseen, understand that there is some risk involved.

Good luck.

On shipping what if they buy the car sight unseen, money clears but they are not in person to hand the title over. Would it be ok to mail it to them?