66 Cuda hood hinge/prop options

Cosgig, thanks for digging up the links!
64_Barracuda, other than what Cosgig linked above I may not be able to help you much. As mentioned above, the previous owner had removed the torsion bar hood supports (I think he cut them off) and welded the holes closed (pics below), along with the bulkhead connector and other peepholes in the firewall. It turns out my worries were unfounded. Although the hinges are floppy loose laterally, they are tight in their pivot. So when I bolted the hood on, it was very tight and stable in its range of motion: no lateral flop! The only thing I'm missing is spring assist and support so it stays up when open. The links above are nice & clean solutions for this, especially the gas struts in the fender. But I've decided to just use a prop rod of some sort to hold the hood open for now. I'm a bit fabrication fatigued at this point in this long project and I just want to drive it. Also, the car has never been apart and I've had the engine compartment painted and I don't want to pull the fenders off unless I really, really have to. I've got a lead on another hood I'm gonna use to cut out the ribbing and maybe put a scoop on so I'm not cutting into the original. That will also make it lighter and more manageable.