Got ripped off. Looking for a new idea for the inside of the engine. Stroker maybe?

Actually near the back of the car is a bad idea..... The system will loose a lot of heat from the exhaust manifold to the turbo impeller... that is energy for the turbo and is important in getting a quick spool up.

Keep the exhaust connection as short as you can and use the wrap as shown on the J pipe too. I'd add a brace on that turbo mount.

That advice is valid and makes a lot of sense, except, he wants to have air-conditioning, and power steering on this car, and space is at a premium in the engine compartment for an A-C compressor and a power steering pump AND a turbo, a wastegate and all the plumbing that goes with it. Packaging all that stuff becomes a problem.

There are many rear-mounted turbos being used, successfully, (a whole cottage industry has sprung up, offereing kits for these,) and while they really do have the problems you pointed out, they work... obviously not as well as an engine-mounted system, but they DO work. Having one of these in place would still be more desirable then building a naturally-aspirated system, I think.

Just my 2-cents...