Father In Law Passing. What Is The Proceedure?

sorry to hear this

my wife went through this last year
we had been in a position where we could help provide for her parents, and though they were not rich, neither one of them owed a penny to anyone

when time started running short for her dad things got rather complicated for her
being the youngest, she is also the smartest and best looking of the four and this left her in charge of a lot of decisions

I ran interference for her where I could, dealing with hospice, the funeral home and what not, but there were times during his last days where she interacted with him almost more in the role of a doctor than as his daughter

don't get me wrong, this was a great way for her to serve her father and I wouldn't have taken that away from her for the world, but at the same time, she needed to deal with this as a daughter

this may sound silly, but there hasn't been a day in your wife's life when that man wasn't around
and now there is coming a day he will no longer be

I would urge you to allow her to see him as his daughter
don't let her get too caught up in the estate deal