Nor'easter coming...are you ready?

Originally Posted by dustermaniac
North Carolina got mostly ice. Everything is covered in a thick covering of ice. We lost power and it's not expected to be back on till 11:00PM Monday. Thanks to a very kind caring member of FABO, we are in a motel tonight. With everything in the house electric, there's no heat, cooking, hot water. House was 60 degrees when we left earlier. I couldn't let Dee and the girls stay in that house. Too damned cold.

That is an awesome gesture. Hope you guys get power back soon.
Entire state of Virginia got pounded by storm. Snow,sleet,ice,rain with 60 mph wind gusts back to ice,sleet then more snow in Suffolk.Power has held so far but still windy & now we are getting tidal flooding as a bonus. Arg.
