Replacing p/s box seal

If this is the seal on the input shaft of a PS box, just remove the steering column, and then pry the old seal out with a small flat screwdriver. Use a hammer to drive the screwdriver into the metal seal the groove where it is pressed into the PS box. Clean the area around the old seal before you remove it, so dirt or grime doesn't find it's way inside the box. After you remove it, clean the area the seal sits in before installing new seal. Before you slide the new seal down over the input shaft, tape the splines where the steering column coupler attaches with a few rounds of tape to keep the splines from damaging the new seal when you slide it over them. Rub a little oil or PS fluid on the tape like you would the rubber seal on an oil filter before installation. Before you slide the new seal on....find a deep well socket about the same diameter as the outside on the seal. Use that as a driver to tap it in place in the box. Remove the tape, and reinstall the steering column. You can do this in most cars without removing the steering box. If this wasn't the seal you're changing.....disregard and hopefully someone knows how to do the other one on the bottom of the box! O:)