Dog Pack Attack

Hey guys just venting. My wife and I live on 8 acres and have started a little goat herd. We have 3 females and 1 male. We think two of them are pregnant so will have kids this spring. We got a miniature donkey to protect the goats from predators. He is so nice that he has turned into a pet and my wife LOVES him.

Yesterday afternoon while me and my wife were still at work a pack of stray dogs attacked our animals. Herb the Donkey did his job but didn't fair too well after. He was able to fend them off long enough for the goats to get to the barn safely but took a beating. My neighbor heard the commotion and got his gun. Unfortunately he shot to scare the dogs off and not to kill. If I would have been home there would be some dead dogs.

Anyway, the dogs basically tore the left side of his face off. We were afraid we might have to put him down but the vet thinks he can save him. He is stitching him up this morning. I'll let you know how it goes.