Dog Pack Attack

Yesterday after the vet got him stitched up my wife kept Herb locked in the barn to try to heal up. When I got home from work I went to check on him. I let him out of the barn and he ran right towards the goats to continue protecting them. I think he was worried about the goats safety all day yesterday while being locked in the barn. He is a brave little guy and cares more about the goats safety than his own.

I will say the doc did a great job stitching him up. Once he heals I think he will look pretty normal. I can post some pictures of his wounds if you want but just be warned they are pretty graffic. We are feeding him alfalfa cubes soaked in water so it's eaiser for him to eat. I bought him a saddle blanket yesterday too. I don't want him to get too cold while he's trying to heal up.

Trying to decide if we should get him a full size Donkey to help him protect or go with a female miniature donkey so we could have some Herb Jr's.

I will be home all day this Sat and Sunday. I can see my entire pasture from where I'll be wrenching on cars. I hope those dogs show back up to get what they deserve.