Miles per gallon?

I made sure that my choke and everything are working properly, changed my thermostat, and did a few other things before recalculating my mileage.

I am not at a comfortable 15mpg, and that is ONLY city driving. There is a short "highway" mixed in there, but it's about 6 miles at 45-50 mph the whole time. So, I am happy. It is worth the small extra cost (when compared to my 18 mpg Subaru in city) to get to drive such a great car :)

When I decided to get my Dart and sell my Saturn, gas was still slightly over $3 a gallon. I did the math based on the amount of driving I did each year, the difference in gas mileage between the two vehicles, and the cost of gas. Even with a conservative worse case scenario estimate of the Darts fuel mileage and assuming gas prices will rise again, it still only came out to a few hundred bucks a year. Some folks spend that on smokes or coffee. I'll spend it on gas with a smile on my face O:)