Unbelievable frustraion at "No Auto Parts Available"

The world is changing much too fast for us old guy's to keep up. I had used the local Carquest store for years and was very happy with the quality of their parts, My store sold out to NAPA in a different location and then within two or three months became Carquest, But alas not the CarQuest I had known. I can't trust the parts I buy there to be the quality I had come to trust.
So that being the only parts store within reasonable driving distance, and the internet not being a good choice when doing customer work,(because of the time delay mostly) What is a guy to do? I'm holding my breath waiting for the parts failures to overwhelm me. I can't tell by looking whether they are any good or not. If price is my guide then good stuff isn't available. only cheap junk (not to be confused with inexpensive junk)