Another wasted day

All the car shows on tv make it look so easy when they ship a car....I doesn't seem like a difficult task and it isn't hard these days to call the customer and tell them whats going on.

A lot of that is cause all the car shows on tv use the 2700.00 dollar company. Take roadkill for example, every time I see them ship a car they use pilot transport. With real nice big enclosed and optioned out trailers. Even then they still showed up late once. But hot rod isn't going to use anyone but the best. Neither is any other car show really. If your car shows up a day late it just means you have one less day to drive it. If a car show car shows up a day late it means thousands of lost dollars.

Just gotta look at it as you have an extra $1800 to spend on a parts and a couple extra days to think about what you wanna do when it shows up.