Unbelievable frustraion at "No Auto Parts Available"

Two of my kids are in management for service businesses and over the years it has gotten real obvious that a lot of the young people that they hire think that now that they have a job that they don't actually have to do anything to get paid.
Some of them even get highly offended if their direct supervisor tells them to do their job.
They like to stand around playing with their phones, or texting friends instead of working.

One example was when my youngest son (manager) saw one of the female employees eating the condiments with her bare hands.
He told her that not only was she not going to eat them, but that she will NEVER put her hands in the containers without food service gloves on.
She promptly looked right at him and stuck her entire bare hand in and stirred the contents, and then dumped a handful into her pocket.

He sent her home right then and there, but per company rules all he could do was to write up a complaint about her and submit it.
It took them almost 3 months to finally get rid of her, and the last month she would come to work but sit in the restroom on her phone the entire shift. (and the company paid her for that time)

Boy if we did something like that on the job when I was a kid you would not only get fired immediately but probably got a boot in your *** on the way out.
And you could forget getting paid at all.