Thank You...

Brake works....just didn't trip it. Saw wasn't at idle. This saw needs to be hooked up to a computer to make any adjustments. Talked to a shop in town that sells/repairs this particular model of Husky...saI'd that once you take the saw outside of the factory parameters it becomes balky at best.
If you dont read the book on how to start it you will be out of luck. When it's warmed up if you don't follow the starting process on the first pull you have a 50-50 chance on the second pull. Doesn't start then 2 choices....use another saw or contort yourself pinning it on the ground, hold the throttle wide open and pull the rope like a psycho...
First time I dropped it on myself it was completely my fault. I normally rest it on my leg while I am figuring out what to cut next. I simply had the saw at the wrong angle with my leg. This time I misjudged the distance between what I was cutting and my leg.
I have never been one to let a "close call" stop me from doing something....especially something I enjoy. If I did I would never have covered 300k miles on motorcycles.