EPA Seeks to Prohibit Conversion of Vehicles into Racecars

It's easy to explain,we have a rogue bunch of wackos funded by their victims bent
on appeasing a few like wackos by targeting small groups that don't have the capital
stolen from them to fight back with anymore. And the plant up the creek still has a few
"accidents" every now and again, just like they have for the last 7 decades, and will do
so 'till they piss off the wrong wacko. Then money won't be enuff to save them.
I know people who bragged about paying off customs inspectors so they didn't have
to worry about shipping out of the country,we paid them to do a job,and they paid more
for them not to. Well, the inspector's happy,but wait 'till they wonder how this bug-snake-
fish-bird got here and jacked things up. Hmmm, nobody knows nothin'. Drugs,ISIS? Yeah,
they got this.........