where to move?

You can go out west without getting into weird Calif or smokin' AZ. The northern half of AZ and New Mexico are much milder than the southern half of those states. Then there's the eastern side of Colorado with everything nearby in Denver if mountain living isn't for you. It's much dryer out here than on your best day anywhere east of the Mississippi. You'll get to see snow atop the mountains each winter so you won't end up "missing" it but you'll never need a shovel, either.

Me, I'm in the Albuquerque area and recently went through your present conundrum. This is where we chose to go.

this is the "humidity" argument! yes the south ( East Tx, and go East and NE .... gets very humid. I know. getting West gets you away from the terrible humidity, but also those places just mentioned, you will get some cold and snowy weather. varies a lot.

I live here is south west misssouri,.... left Ga in '79 and been here ever since. the southern part of mo. tends to be " southern" influenced, the northern part more "Northern " influenced, locals may argue the point, but its a fact , in general. lived in both areas for decades. weather here varies from yr to yr, but south mo tends to be "fairly" mild winters, ave snow if 17 iches, (this ye 1 inch).... lows might get down into the single didgets a few nights. north MO tends to get quite a bit colder ( too close to Ne and Ia!) ha

south Carolina..... just watch the evening news,... those "politicians" will be saying, " we are not on Kansas Toto"!!!! ha .. it will be quite a bit of a different set of subjects and values looked at from their previous spots!???