400 engine

one thing about our hobby and prices, they have never recovered from the falloff economic fall of '08. lets face it.

best way to see the real market is call on those old engine ads, see if it sold and ask what he got. yes some people will tell ya non e of your business, but many will spill the beans honestly.

yes prices vary a lot form different parts of the country for sure. seems like the rule has always been, engine stuff is more available in the North and the South yields more sheetmetal. probably not quit as true as it was decades ago?????

around here, people drag parts cars out of the pastures, darn thing had its carb robbed off it years ago, hood up, totally ruined engine! so goes another engine down the drain! most usable engines are in the hands of the hobbiest, sitting in the back corner of his garage he put there decades ago. find a S B in a pickup here, and it was worn plum out decades back, yiou might find a decent magnum in a boneyard maybe!