where to move?

this is the "humidity" argument! yes the south ( East Tx, and go East and NE .... gets very humid. I know. getting West gets you away from the terrible humidity, but also those places just mentioned, you will get some cold and snowy weather. varies a lot.

Yes and the argument is totally valid. I'm a born 'n raised Floridian who had been in Alabama the last 9 yrs before moving out here and if you don't think the humidity contributes immensely to feeling better/worse you are hugely mistaken!

As for cold/snowy weather: here in ABQ, we get about 5 snow events a year. 2 that actually accumulate on the roads with a depth of less than 2 inches and usually gone within a few hours. The arid climate means that if you do have to clear a path to your mailbox, it's like shoveling styrofoam chips. You can do it with a leaf blower!

Completely eliminating any trace of "cold" weather usually means either A) gruelling hot summers or B) lots of humidity and sometimes both.

I am in no way suggesting this is the end-all, be-all as only the person making the decision can assign weighted values to the various components. (Take schools for example. Our kids are grown so, I don't care about schools but someone with 3 little ones would weight that higher.) Just presenting the things that I find appealing from the perspective of someone who actually lives here. Happily!