Standard Intake to Max Wedge

You get an A for enthusiasm but an F on your facts. An engine is an air pump, some parts are not as efficient as others. It's been proven too many times that there are better intakes.. don't believe me.. go ask an NHRA stock eliminator racer who has a max wedge if he would rather have that intake manifold or something mentioned above... go ahead.. I'd dare ya, I know the answer... :happy1:

That's nice, but I would like to see them test the max parts together as they were matched, not put a max intake on indy heads with a different cam than was designed for the max. That all has an effect on the ram effect which the intake takes advantage of.

The first test is a flow bench which does not take into account the valve opening and closing which is part of the ram induction effects. The power band of the cam used in the test also affects the output. Put the max cam and parts together and see how they work. With the mixing of the parts, they are effecting the ram effect as designed into the max wedges.

I'll stick with my max wedge package myself...

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