Stupid Scammers

It is fun to waste their time a little. I like the telemarketing calls. Ask a bunch of questions to get all the details then cut them off. One of the best features of Bluetooth in my truck. I talked to one for my entire 30 minute drive home. Gave him all false information to key into his system.

Him: Sir this address is coming up as in invalid.

Me: I know, because its fake... I am just deliberately wasting your time to keep you from harassing someone else.

Him: excuse me....?

Me: yeah that's right

Him: F - you

Me: have a nice day!

I got one like this a couple of weeks back - caller ID came up Montana - I know one person in Montana, and they would FB message me.

So the conversation went like this:

Me: "Heellllloooooo Montana, you're our next contestant!"

Him (heavy accent - sounded Indian): <pause>, yes, hello sir, I'm calling to...

Me: "You don't sound like you're from Montana..."

Him: "Lis-ten-here-you-mother-f#*%&3r!" <click>

I cracked up, picturing (in my mind) an older Indian man wagging his finger at me and his boss cutting the connection mid curse.

It's my new favorite thing to say to people :-)