
the stories we can tell! I worked for Asgrow seed co. ag subsidiary of the Upjohn Co. for 11 yrs. after the 3rd year I was promoted to t he highest grade they had, had set a sales record never broken. Upjohn had been selling off their ag co. for several years, but they swore Asgrow was NOT for sale. then they started getting rid of senior reps ( senior wasn't necessary age but sales vol and increases).( I was 43 years old this was 1991. )... they were systematically getting rid of their BEST people.
if your sales were not up to par or any other reason they would fire you, if they wanted you to just go away, they put you on "probation" so that you could supposedly correct ANY problems they found with you outlined in a letter detailing such.
annual review I was on top again, then, next month i'm on "probation" with a list of total lies. the whole page of them. I write corporate, and they just say " nothing they can do." so I have a year to find another job, go away.

so I just told them I will draw my pay the next 12 months, kiss my rebel a**,,,, then draw my severance pay, which I did. worked on my cars everyday for a year and drew their pay!! I say HA!!!!!!!!! the last time I worked for " THE MAN!" ha!!!! now just sorta retired !!!!!!!

it is amazing how many similar stories I have seen since!!!!