Any soda junkies out there?

I had a problem with food not wanting to go down. Turns out I had so much irritation from the acid getting up in my throat that it caused a lot of scarring. My gastroenterologist performed an out patient operation that removed the scarring and opened everything up again. Boy it felt good to swallow like a normal person again!!!!!:blob:
I then figured out the two main reasons that caused the scarring. First, anytime you lay down flat acid can get into your throat. Second, if you bend over or get your head below your stomach acid will get into your throat. So I raised the head of my bed 12 inches and stopped laying flat under my hot rods and I haven't had to go back for the procedure in many many years. Lot less acid reflux as well because the irritation is gone and won't return unless I sleep at a hotel (I take a wedge with me) or I accidentally lay under a car.


YES! I had that gasto ----- thing done couple years back, helped a bunch, raised my bed( O K, so I slide off! or down). I didn' t take a Omaprazine ( generic Primosec) other day, I was miserable all day! and before starting omn the med, I would reflux where the acid was actually bouncing up into my lungs. coughing is indication...... ideally you take the med couple of weeks and fixes it buy not me....

I really need to wean myself off coffee ( i'm a sissy, use sugar and milk in mine). need to get off bread. this woman is from WY, they eat NO veg unless you call taters a veg! ha........need more fruit, veggies, quit the coffee, bread, pasta.
fruit juices...... most of all I ever tried is 95% corn syrup water ( sugar).....I like v8 juice, bout all the juice I buy anymore.... tomato juice has so much salt! why I don't know? preservative?????