.........cut off switch...........

How does this solve the neutral safety problem? Or to put this another way, I really don't understand what you did there

The NSS is still wired to the relay on the fender so it works as designed. I'm not using the relay on the fender to start the car but I still needed it to use the NSS. Does that make sense?

I am remembering now I have a Bosch relay in there somewhere too... don't mind me, I'm useless.

Too cold to go out and look right now and figure out an explanation. I wouldn't even know what to tell you at this point anyway, I'm confused myself. Sorry.

I just know it works and it did not work doing it any other way as the car would not start. I remember at one point checking the pins on the NSS with a test light to see what happened when the gear selector was in "x" position. That's all I got.