Folks and cars

My own Brother acted like my car was just an old car and wouldn't compliment it for anything till everywhere we went when he was with me there were people staring, pointing and complimenting it.

Jealous little girls is what they are, and you will have the last laugh believe it.

Here's mine, how's yours coming?

Personally driven Greg's car,in California.. People who don't know you,compliment & chat you up. (on this car,in four hours) Sometimes people you know,don't understand you're personal passions,about a certain topic. They are human,they may not understand/or respect your background, or beliefs. Enjoy those person's good qualities,accept their short comings in your hobbies. I 'm normally a bastard on some beliefs, not on hobbies,or relaxation/stress release subjects. Understanding the rant, take the time,& enjoy the project(S).