70 dart swinger slant turbo build and mild restoration

My wife is going to be doing some fabrication of items for use on jeeps, and anything else we can come up with. The pishta pipe will be one of those things. It will probably be at least another year before we are actually selling anything though, at least in any large quantity. I am sure we can do some runs for the board though in the meantime. I'll be her first test subject for sure. She is a boilermaker, and a certified welding inspector, so it won't be a problem for her.

I don't know how many PISHTA pipes there is a market for, but the problem will be getting the word out that they are available, and at a reasonable price. The header that went on my car (see pic,) was done as cheaply as possible, but by the time it was tack-welded, and then, T.I.G.-welded, and ceramic-coated, it cost a good thousand dollars. That is the alternative to a PISHTA pipe...

So, if I were going from "ground-zero" with a new project, and could be happy with 350-jorsepower (a ballpark-figure on a PISHTA-pipe's flow limitations,) I would look seriously at that as a viable (and, cheap, relatively,) alternative to a tubing header.

I don't know how much of a market exists for this J-pipe, but I am sure that several people on this board haave been reluctant to build a turbo slant, faced with the daunting task of building their own turbo-mount/exhaust system. There are problems enough, facing a turbo-slant builder; having an off-the-shelf J-pipe turbo mount would solve a BIG one... Go for it; I may buy one, myself... :cheers: