Any soda junkies out there?

Being diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago forced me to go sugar free in most things. Coke Zero is my pop of choice now (tastes closest to Coke, and Pepsi is flat out pi$$) although I might have 2 small cans a week at most.
For beer its Molson Canadian 67, low carb(70) zero sugar with 3.5% alcohol. Its the only beer I can find with nutrient label to compare.
Diabetes forced me to read nutrient labels. We could all do ourselves a favor and be more informed on the **** we put in our stomachs. GMO, sugars, aspartame, chemicals etc.
I go thru huge withdrawal..chips, candy, chocolate bars, cookies.
At the rate Im going looks like Arrowroot cookies and plain Cheerios..dammit!

I know what you mean about withdrawal. I used to eat a LARGE box of chocolate covered cherries (the box with two layers) every couple of days (in one sitting). I would eat three or four large pieces of cake and scrape all the extra frosting off the cake platter to cover the parts (sides) of the cake pieces that were bare.. I used only drink coke (sodas) for breakfast lunch and dinner.....NO WATER AT ALL!! I should have been dead a long time ago!!!
I've always been slender and have never been able to gain weight no matter how much or what I ate. I thought I could eat anything and everything with no consequences....until I hit my late 50s. That's when I figured out that all the sugar and carbs were damaging my insides. Diverticulitis, reflux, intestinal polyps. But now the diverticulitis has disappeared completely, the reflux is gone and last time I got the lower GI everything was EXCELLENT!! Of course I've been on the low carb low sugar diet for well over a year now and I have no plans on stopping. The gastroenterologist told me to eat more fiber to help the diverticulitis, boy was he wrong!! Most foods that have lots of fiber also have lots of carbs/sugar, I thought I was going to die after I ate so many "fiber" foods.
If everyone only knew how much better they can feel without all that poison in their systems they would quit today. But I know in reality most will do as I did.......continue on the path to destruction until you feel so bad you have to stop.
Luckily, I saw the light!!
