Any soda junkies out there?

All you guys on a steady diet of Prilosec (or equiv) make me just cringe. You can douse the flames with something all you want but isn't anyone interested in WHY they have chronic acid reflux/heartburn/etc? This is the very downfall of western medicine: treat the symptoms but F the cause. I would wager a guess that alot of you have a gluten intolerance that you haven't yet figured out. And, if that IS the case, you are doing damage that will surface later even if Prilosec is keeping you from feeling the pain along the way.

I will have to look into the "gluten intolerance". I admit I have little confidence in the medical profession, especially as we age.......
sooner or later I will just "die off" and there are plenty of $$ to be had on other folks getting older. endless supply! ha