Any soda junkies out there?

I can tell first hand why Coke (and other sodas) end up hurting your stomach and esophagus..........back in the late 70s my brother in law worked for one of the Coke processing plants. I would talk to him about his work every time I saw him. I will never forget when one day I asked him how things were going at work, he said, "Oh nothing spectacular, we're just in the process of replacing the grated catwalks around the coke containers". Me, not knowing exactly what he was talking about asked, "Why, is the plant so old that they're wore out??" He said, "Oh no, the plant is only 12 years old but you see...... up at the top of the stainless steel processing towers the workers have to "pour in" the barrels of concentrated Coke syrup." I said, "So?". He says, "Well every time they pour the syrup into the top of the tower of processors some of the syrup spills and it gets all over the metal grating where the workers stand". I said, " So don't they just clean them off every now and then, after all it's only syrup???.?" He said, "Oh yes they clean them quite frequently, it's company policy." "So why are you guys replacing them?", says I. He said, " The concentrated Coke syrup is so corrosive it eats away at the metal grating so much that they all have to be replaced every couple of years so that nobody falls to their death through the corroded metal grating" .

What's the moral of the story??? Well, if it eats metal like "acid" then it must BE ACID!! If it's acid and you put it in your stomach (which is made of soft tissue) what do you think happens in your stomach after years of exposure???
