Wedding anniversary #56

Today my parents celebrate number fifty-six.

I don't care who you are, that's an impressive number.

Pop's 74 and Momma just turned 71 in December.

Momma's not doing well, being an Alzheimer's sufferer and Pop does his best to take care of her. It's not easy being a 24 hour caretaker, but as Pop says, "she took care of me all those years, my turn to take care of her."

All those odd hours, driving truck for 25 years put Pop on some odd schedules. Those two o'clock in the morning wake ups so he could be out the door and on the road. Packing his lunch, fixing his dinner, generally keeping the house in good shape and the bills paid while he was on the road.

Through all the things my dad has done in his life, from being a commercial fisherman in the Gulf of Mexico, to owning his own scrapyard, to him and I owning the restoration shop. Raising four of us as he was away from home with one job or the other, Momma supported him through it all.