Low Ballers

Price is always subjective on large purchases which a vehicle definitely is. What's amazing is what folks will drop on a new vehicle because financing is so readily avalable compared to a classic. Most potential buyers of a classic car don't realize they have financing options also which creates a lot of tire kickers

Have had success myself offering a fair price and educating potential buyers to options available for a classic purchase besides cash.


This. There is financing. Most people either don't know it's there, or they looked at it and get a crappy rate and don't have the ability to finance for 36 months or less. Most folks will then decide to buy new, finance for 72 months and not buy the classic. Everything else here is true as well.

Based on prices I see on here and elsewhere I think my cars are worth a fortune! Lol a car remains what it is worth to the guy or gal who will buy it. Without seeing it $8,500-9000 American.