8 3/4 axle bearing removal question

Here is what you need. It clamps behind the bearing, then brace it as shown on your press and push the axle down and out. I usually heat the retainer ring some to help expand and break bond with axle. Can probably rent tool from a good auto parts store.

There is the bull moose way with chisel and grinder but too easy to damage axle in my mind.....

DO NOT DO THIS. In a previous life, we used to change bearings all the time. If you press the thing off with a splitter and pressing on the end of the axle, sooner or later, you will BEND THE AXLE.

(How do ya spose I know this?)

The procedures are pretty well covered in the service manuals, and for the 1000ths? time, you can download them, free, from MyMopar

These are about page 3-28 in the 72 shop manual.