Now I know why 904 was having issues

Allrighty then, thank goodness my reaction shaft bushing looks OK. Still good to know how to do it if necessary! As I had to replace the front clutch drum, it came with a nice shiny new bushing installed. Good thing too, that bushing is just over two inches OD, and I don't have any sockets that big. The bushings in my old and new drums are over a quarter inch wider than the replacement in my bushing kit, which seems odd. I'm guessing it works adequately but costs less to make?

Couple more bushing questions-
My sun gear bushes look ok, so I'll probably leave them. The kit did have new ones. I was wondering about the procedure since it looks like you have to either extract one of them or drive them out together.

Red locktite on the pump bushing?

Since I got a bushing kit I'm guessing the two "extra" bushings are for a different tranny from the same family. The two extras are close to the same dimensions as the ones for the pump and forward clutch drum. Both are narrower.

Now I just need to find a socket to match the pump bushing.

Thanks fellas.