Hey Del, Look what I found!!! An original Miller Gauge tester!!!


And now for another old story from the old days.

I had my "ham" (amateur radio) license before I got out of high school in 66. They tried to draft me into the army in the fall of 67, but I fooled 'em and joined the Navy. So fall of '68 found me in electronics "A" school at Treasure Island (San Francisco)

One day, the instructor starts writing on the board. THEN he writes THIS and I started chuckling. He asked me "whut" and I said "Because now I will NEVER forget the color code." And, I HAVEN'T!!!

Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly


First one is Violet -- Green -- Black

So 75 ohms (black means no multiplier)


Second one is Red -- Red -- Black

So 22 ohms


Last one is ??

Can you read the colors??

I'm stumped The blue resistor doesn't make sense

Well that's frightening. We always learned it as Bad Beef Rots Our Young Guts But Vegetables Go Well lol.

I'm looking forward to you making a bunch of these and passing them out around here next Christmas :toothy1: