Whats a 70 BB Charger and Road Runner worth?

lets face it. most of these old mopars are in the hands of us enthusiasts. few are to be found in any isolated boneyard anymore. whats on CL is generally sorry carp with some idiot trying to cash it in. most of the old cars out in the sticks out in the cow pasture, were found by the dopers running the back roads looking for scrap metal when it was sky high!

best way to find a good project or nice reasonably priced car? network guys in the hobby. takes time and effort, but you get in touch with real mopar hobby guys, that sometimes have a great old car sitting in the back of the shed. life sometimes require it to be sold. just life. sometimes they don't want to ad it for months looking for a buyer. and the guy that turned YOU on to it, he's trying to help his buddy. and he isn't into that particular model or has no $$ or whatever.