Now I know why 904 was having issues

Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I'm going to give the freezer method for the lip seals a try first.

Beast, none of the old frictions were very worn at all. The rear set were all thinner (.064") than the ones from the front (.082"). The new frictions in the kit were packed in two separate groups. One set miked at .087" and the other at 0.68. So, do the thinner ones go in the rear pack or am I supposed to mix n match to get a good clearance number?

Lemme know.


You know, I don't remember on that.
It does seem familiar that the direct pack had thinner discs, and maybe even a different pattern in the material.
I think one clutchpack had smooth discs and the other waffled surface.
But like I said, I don't remember.
If I am right about the surfaces being different I don't think mixing is a good idea.
BUT, if they look the same and the only difference is thickness I'd mix em without a single hesitation.

Google might help if no one here knows the answer.

I'll see what I can find.