
Sorry for your loss.

I met you and your Dad 2 years ago. Buddy of mine lives in Floral City.
He knew I was into Mopars. He called your Dad and asked if I could come over and
look at your "museum".

I spent couple hours with your Dad, before you had came home.
He showed me every car/project/significant part on the property and each had a story.
Of course I was asking a million questions about Valiants/Signets.
I should have brought a tape recorder. Wealth of knowledge to say the least.

Then he showed me his "creations"(custom bicycles,tool gadgetry, too many too list)
Wow! True definition of innovator.

I took Pictures of things as well. Including him and his cool gold 66 Barracuda.

Sometimes in life you meet someone who leaves a positive impression on you.
Even after only meeting him once, I will remember this experience with a good man.

Just wanted to let you know what a great and special Dad you have,and always will.


I like this.

I didn't get to spend anywhere near as much time with Curtis' dad that you did, spending most of the day with Curtis, but I have to say that listening to him and Curtis go 'round about the airboat and how he'd never get on it was fun to listen to.

As well as looking at the pics of the restored airplanes and the stories behind them.