How much is it worth?

I see 2 choices, pay a shop like Glen-Ray for a OEM new radiator or just buy a quality aluminum one.

if a guy has a rare rad with good tanks, spending the $250-300 for a re core might be the way to go.

good honest old fashion rad shops are getting scarce. there is one in Joplin mo that has been there last 50 years. if the EPA were to find it, i'm sure it would be shut down!! if I have a radiator I think MIGHT be good, I take it there to be presure checked, flushed, , with the understanding, I will pay for it to be repaired if needed and that it is in SOUND enough shape to repair. OR.... if not, I pay for nothing. many shops want to clean it, pressure check it, then tell you its junk, and bill ya $45!

a radiator sitting around dry for years is way worse than it sitting for 40 years full of antifreeze. they dry rot.