You left-handers have difficulty driving/power shifting standard?

I'm left handed but use my right hand when it's more efficient to do so.

- I write left-handed.
- I throw left-handed.
- I operate a computer mouse with right hand.
- I navigate mobile phone with left hand mostly.
- I use scissors with left hand.
- Use house/car keys with right hand.
- If we had guns and rifles overhere I would shoot a gun with left hand, and also shoot(trigger) rifles with left and aim with right hand.
- I cut steak right-handed and always use fork in left hand to feed to mouth. How many of you swap hands/fork/knife while eating? That's just so inefficient and way to painful and tiring to watch.
- Also, I piss with right hand on Nr.1's and wipe with left on the Nr.2's... Yes, I'm refined and civilised! There's also no cross-contamination during my 'dual' number 1s and 2s.... :D

The only thing I can't decide on which hands to use with is baseball. I 'think' a right hand swing would feel more natural to me these days, but I remember having played baseball lefthanded in highschool. But I never play baseball anymore so its of no big deal.