men and dogs

I grew up in the woods, we always had dogs, they ran around off leash unless we were hunting and even then they were hardly on leash.

They lived good happy dog lifes and lived like dogs should. I recently moved to a city and now I see men with dogs and it just aint right. I see men walking their dogs on pavement, on leash and carrying a bag of dog crap in the other hand.. that?

If thats how one has to raise and own a dog now days, I cant say i even think its right...
I don't walk around with a plastic bag. My dogs have a large yard to poop and play in. I personally don't think dogs should be allowed to run loose for several reasons. First when dogs are loose in a pack, their behavior changes to be more aggressive. Lots of people have been attacked by dog packs. Second, you're responsible for the safety of your dog. My good friend thought as you do. One day she came home to find her black Lab gone. Never saw her again. Was she stolen by someone who needs a dog? Not likely. Was she killed by a pack of coyote? They are all around here. Taken to be torn to pieces by a pit bull being trained to fight? Was she taken to be experimented on? (Apparently this is more common than I thought).how about being considerate to your neighbors? I can't tell you how many times I've had to lock up my car to keep from hitting a dog that some idiot just opened the door, and let them go. Sometimes in the dark. Dogs require thought and respect for others. Just like children.