men and dogs

the short answer is, dogs don't belong in cities
if you own a dog, you have an obligation to that animal to provide it with stomping grounds larger then you will find in a city

you also have an obligation to your neighbours, that your dog wont bother them
this too, is a whole lot easier to do when you live out in the boonies

does a man look like an idiot when he carries a bag of poop and cleans up after a dog?
but that is the price he pays for having an animal without having the room to keep it...and his neighbours should in no way have to worry about stepping in his dogs poop

just like they shouldn't have to worry about their kids playing with his dog and getten bitten if it wander around without a leash

didn't we recently have a post about a member who has a pet donkey who was attacked by a pack of dogs?

I guess that just goes to show that responsible pet ownership is not something that proves to be difficult in the city