wiper motor question

Karl, any chance you found out what wires are spliced???????????

Wow! No splice. they just doubled it back, folded it, then routed it on it's way.

I found a wiring diagram for the wiper motor in the 71 service manual, but not the 67. So if it's the same as 71, then here is how it goes....

The 71 engine Wiring diagram:

View attachment Wpr Diag A06 B.jpg

Close up of the wiper motor diagram:

View attachment Wpr Diag A02 B.jpg

Here's the close up of the wiper motor diagram with my color lines to help trace them:

View attachment Wpr Diag A02 B2.jpg

Here's the 67 Dodge dart engine compartment wiring diagram:

View attachment Wpr Diag A05 B.jpg

Here's the wire that they fold back, then send to the ballast resistor on the motor:

View attachment Wpr Wires A02 B2.jpg

Here's a zoomed out view of the wires:

View attachment Wpr Wires A09 B.jpg

Here is a close up of the 4 way connector going to the wiper motor:

View attachment Wpr Wires A07 B.jpg

Here it is with my color codes:

View attachment Wpr Wires A07 B2.jpg