men and dogs

I agree with barbee6043 for the most part. Dogs aren't made to be tethered. And to say that you fence a dog, or any other animal for their well being is ignorant! We don't keep animals locked up and tied down for their sake. It's generally because WE want them there.

I can't stand how people think they need to intervene with nature to preserve it! If all humans vanished from the face of the earth today, would all of the dogs, cats, cattle and goldfish die off?!! OMG! Who would feed them?! How would they survive?! Who would do their nails?!

Dogs exist because we made them. It took generations of breeding to get them there.

Sorry, my boy's Dachshund isn't going to be let off the lead when he goes out simply for the fact that large predatory birds that like to fly around.

I'm not letting Sassy out of her run simply because of the fact I don't want her running the hills. And, with her energy, she'll run the hills. Will I let them run when I'm with them? Yup. I taught 'em to come back. And they do. But when I'm not home, Sassy is in her run. When I can't be with them, they're on their leads or in the run.

I've had plenty of dogs that ran loose. Each of 'em came back home. But when they started running deer or when the coyote pack got too big, it was time to keep 'em at home.

Did I like it that the friggin' Great Dane/Boxer mix that the neighbors had would come in my yard and start growling at me for being in my own friggin' yard? Or came over and started to harrass Sassy because she was in her run? Nope. Time for that dog to get chased home and the owners have a talkin' to.

Did I like when the little dog who used to come in my yard after weeks of running the hills and looking like it? Hell, no. He was beat up, bruised up, bleeding, and generally looking like he hadn't had a good meal in months. And he was tagged and a couple from Jersey living in the local trailer park claimed ownership. The dog deserved better than that.