Tried my hand at some welding today!

Back in the early seventies I was taking engineering classes at the state college, but I also wanted some hands-on welding experience since I was working on an old Plymouth. I took this oxy-acetylene welding class at the local junior college. It was 5 hours a night, 2 nights/week for a whole semester.

For the "final exam" we had to weld a weld up a box-type object with a hole into it and a pipe connection. The instructor clamped a water hose onto it and turned on the water - and your project was supposed to hold water without leaking. Some people's project looked like a sprinkler. It was actually pretty funny.

The bottom line is that was most fun class I had throughout my whole college career. Amazingly enough I was even able to apply the 5 units as an "elective" towards my engineering degree.

So K.P., I applaud and encourage your efforts.